Friday, February 5, 2010

The blog begins!

The following recipes and essays were inspired by a story, "Shoofly Pie," read by English 2 students in Bevier High School. Each class member has showcased a "favorite family/friend cook" and includes the recipe. I also had the class divide into 3 groups, and each group created a cookbook with the recipes and essays. Final products were due today.... Lovely stuff~!

To the class: "I told you the first day how excited I am to have such a wonderful wonderful WONDERFUL CLASS. Now dig in and enjoy!!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. To the ShooFly Chefs, what a wonderful project you have created! I've had so much fun reading all of your stories and recipes. There are several I may even try myself. Cherish these moments together!!! Sincerely, BHS Alumni, Lisa Falkiner Pogue, Class of 1987


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